Go beyond your spare room: Tips to move your work at home

June 10, 2019by admin

Finally it’s time, your baby finally got out of diapers and started walking alone. Leaving children’s loans aside, the good news is that your company is beginning to earn income and is ready to move into your own office. Although it seems quite obvious, there are many problems along the way that lead to finding an adequate office and the effort should not be considered light. Let’s be honest: the world rarely has gum drops and ice cream, and we’ve made it conscious from the start, but the right approach could turn this minefield into a little corridor. Then, when you move your office, listen to the words of someone who has been blinded so you do not have to:

Gauge your needs

Before you pick up the phone or write that email, take a seat and think about the space you really need. As a person who has been there before, it is very easy to get away from you more effectively than you can chew. Over the years, office space at the state level has fallen to an average of 150 square feet per worker. There is a good rule around this average to keep costs reasonable and keep employees from feeling like they are working in a clothing store.

Keep others in mind

Based on recent feelings: make your business happy. These people come every day to make their dream come true, respect it and take their needs into account when they move. Try to exclude sites that are very uncomfortable to reach, and nobody likes a long trip and can affect the performance and attitude of the job. Of course, you can not satisfy everyone, but taking time to find the office space that suits most of your staff will help them maintain a positive attitude and, most importantly, keep them coming back.

There is no shame in subleasing

This must be accepted soon, there is nothing like pride in the action. To quote a newly purchased Disney property: “Double Pride, Double Fall”. If your company is finally gaining strength but is not yet being reused for the numbers you need to move, the sublease is your friend. A good deal usually ends up being a weekly deal and rarely a weekly deal. This reduces your expenses in advance and allows the continuous growth of your company. Keep in mind that this is not always a solution, but a starting point that deserves to be solved.

Landlords are a dime a dozen

You can rent an apartment; the bad owner can make your life hell. Choosing the right and correct owner for all the effort is crucial. I imagine that we have all had at least one bad experience with the owner who is not willing to help or, what is worse, an experience that demonstrates the various repair costs for the tenant. These people are present and can cause serious damage to a new company. When you are satisfied with the office space you are viewing, drag several chains, ask other tenants in the building; Have an idea of the owner before placing your name anywhere.

Agents are no different

Enough, this can be said basically for people in general, but still, hire a good agent. Consider only experienced agents and the recommendations of someone you know. There are many agents who do not keep their promises, and when the future of their business is at stake, it leaves more possibilities than gambling. Even when you receive a recommendation, connect to the Internet and perform some drilling. Look for the LinkedIn page or contact previous clients to find out what they should say. You will be surprised at the possibility of searching online for half an hour.


Presentations That can not be emphasized enough, but when asked, most of my colleagues ridiculed the idea of negotiating rent. The surprising thing here is that most of the owners are willing to drop quite a bit as a sign of goodwill. After all, understanding people like us, talking to them and building a mutually beneficial agreement is easier than one might think. Just like selling things on sites like Craigslist or eBay, people like to inflate their prices: the owners are no different. Make a presentation, throw away the bones, the worst thing they can do is reject your offer.

Setup shop

Now that this has moved away, take a lot of time from your schedule to activate the place. A new layer of paint and a good cleaning of the fountain will make the old place a world of good. Recruiting professionals will help speed up the process and help you move more easily. When you’re stuck between managing your business unilaterally and maintaining on-the-fly control and acquiring office equipment, companies like Clean works are smart. These specialized cleaners provide a basic firefighting option and allow us to focus on where you need them, and you will need all the help you can get, believe me.

The gist

Going to your first office can be a daunting experience, with all the problems that accompany it, so some people wonder if it’s worth it. As someone who has been through this several times, it is. Go to the largest office sowing the seed of change. The change will be difficult, and you and your employee will experience it, but in the end they will make it stronger than it was. By taking into account the previous points, we can rise above the rabble and take the ox out of the horns, galvanizing our company to a new chapter.

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